Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tim Wiese is jeck on Fortuna Cologne

Cologne / Norderney - On Thursday, two hearts beating in his chest. Bremen's Tim Wiese will guard the gate, when the Bundesliga club in training camp on Norderney, the Cologne Fortune received the test game.
With the newly minted North Rhine-Leaguers Meadow connecting much: Between 1999 and 2001, he was standing 27 times in the chest southern part of the club - and he is now one of some 6,500 Internet users, who in "" so to speak, as "Assistant Manager" Fortuna are pending.
"Sure, I was doing with," said Wiese on Tuesday, EXPRESS, "I need to know just exactly how to do it." The fact that he already has a membership number - namely's 344 - the keeper was not really conscious. The makers of the platform on Thursday to make sure it will be smart. By the way, Bremen's assistant coach (and former Fortune) Wolfgang Rolff DFC is a member (No. 444).
Since staying Meadow, Fortuna, then just out of the second division, leaving, he's been "gone" as he confesses, "I also know no one from the players." But he will probably get a surprise: With Defender Sascha Jagusch (28), who is just back from Germany Dattenfeld come to Fortuna, he played in the youth already together - Bayer Leverkusen!
In any case, looking forward to the Bundesliga Keeper of the encounter on the North Sea island: "The Fortune is indeed now time club and carries a tradition, the list of second-division clubs are still on." Yeah, 26 years was the former Jean-Löring Club as represented in this period was also the last battle with the people of Bremen - on 30 May 1981 Cologne won 3-2.
Such highlights wishes Tim Wiese to his former club again: "It would be nice if the Fortuna again succeeded in the professional football industry." As "assistant coach" he can collaborate on it ...
Also of interest
Fortuna Cologne live on DSF

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Holt FC Otto's European Championship star?

Velden - When FC is blow by blow! Now will come even Georgios Seitaridis for the right side of defense.
The Greek national team to have declared: "I have an offer of 1 FC Cologne for a three-year contract with an annual salary of one million euros available net. Thursday I have to decide whether I accept it. "
FC (manager Michael Meier: "Names are just words") says you're nothing. The European Football Cup of 2008 would be a 1a-amplification.
The student of Otto Rehhagel of Greece's national team kicked with Maniche had at Dynamo Moscow and Atletico Madrid.
What would speak against him: Seitaridis had hamstring problems last ever - why had ex-Cologne coach Christoph Daum after the EXPRESS information very well against an obligation.
Read also: Tanase: "Yes, I come to the FC!">

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What does the Riester pension?

Berlin - Giant vortex around the Riester pension: A report of the ARD magazine "Monitor" brings the additional private pension provision, especially for low bit.
Even an average earner who is 32 years pays into the pension fund, according to "monitor" may not benefit at the end of the Riester pension. After all, who later retired as a dependent on social assistance will receive his basic allowance for the amount that he receives from the Riester pension reduced. He then has a month to the account as much as someone who has not completed the Riester pension.
Pensions expert Winfried Schmahl: "Millions have to expect that their Riester promote a sense dissolves into thin air."
Ex-Labor Minister Walter Riester (SPD), the monitor showed report relies on internal figures from the German Pension Insurance (DRV), back as irresponsible. For a "relentless insecurity low-income people would run." The facts, however, he denied not. Riester, "welfare always presupposes must take into account their own needs and resources of the parties concerned. The citizens can not sit permanently on welfare. "
Consumer activists point to a way out for low wage earners. "Who can ignore just before retirement, it does not flow over the basic, may terminate the contract. Then, although savers need to repay the bonuses. In addition to the wealth they themselves paid, but interest rates remain so, "said Niels Nauhauser from the Consumer Baden-Wuerttemberg.
Economic expert Bert Rürup, which advises the federal government, called for changes to the law. Who "riestert", then in fact the money would also have in my pocket.
NRW-Minister for Social Affairs, Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) is concerned that hundreds of thousands later, the pension is not enough. The problem is the growing low-wage sector. Laumann, "An insured person with an income of around 7.50 euros per hour is obtained after 47 years of work in 2030 at current prices, only a pension of around 510 euros."
In NRW alone about 330,000 full-time employees now working for an hourly wage of less than 7.50 euros, as Laumann.

Friday, February 5, 2010

"Gefühlecht" - easily and quickly read verschweint

That's the point: dreams really all women in their thirties like to get a proposal of marriage? Barbara could have imagined, at least the all-important question under more loving circumstances than during the morning quite unromantic bed with her aerobics Jurgen.
In addition, she has misheard and said yes by accident. Now she has to decide period of thirty days themselves: Will they or will not, she loves or she does not love gefühlsecht or just habit?
So it is: Funny and entertaining: The story is sweet and the characters are nice. "Gefühlsecht" is quick read, partly slightly verschweint, very feminine and very entertaining. Good holiday reading.
Andrea Russo: "Gefühlsecht" Heyne, EUR 7.95