Saturday, May 29, 2010

Mathematics teacher prevent massacre

Littleton -
Drama in the U.S.: Very close to the Columbine High School in Littleton, in 1999, two teenagers twelve students, a teacher and then killed himself, there was another attack on students.
A 32-year-old shoots on Tuesday before the Deer Creek Middle School, first in the air, then fired on a group of students. When he tries to reload his weapon, engages the bold math teacher David Benke, the offender breaks down and prevents further firing volleys.
School bus driver Steve Potter observes everything up close: "Benke is a true hero."
Protect the security forces briefly set out. His motive is unclear, the man said to have had no connections to the school.
Although the math teacher, a second massacre in Littleton prevented, two eighth graders are being violated. A girl could leave the hospital already. The condition of a boy was on Wednesday as critical.