Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Meckenheim: Zoff to police presence

Meckenheim - arson, robbery, vandalism. For months, the city writes sad with their crime headlines.
Meckenheim "burns" - and now surrounded by turf between two police chiefs.
 The city is located in the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis. Still is for the safety (as in the entire left-bank district) of Bonn with the Police Department Chief of Police Wolfgang Albers charge at the top. If it were up to District Administrator Frithjof Kühn, they would look different.
 "I feel responsible for the safety of all citizens of the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis," said Kuehn, chief administrator and chief of the district police.
Provocative, he said: "I am willing to take responsibility for the police to the left of the Rhine."
Plaintext from Bonn: Bold feels responsible, but it is not! "The Home Office has clearly taken a position about this," said the Bonn police spokesman Harry Kolbe.
 There remains the need for more police presence in Meckenheim. For the horror stories are piling up, there is rampant sheer destructiveness. Thus, the unknown cast until the night of Monday, another glass, this time at school and hit the market.
 The police have to do in the city with about ten to recidivists. Among youths who set fire to the gym of the school (Damage: € 2.5 million).
They were caught after the crime, were free to commit new crimes. Kolbe: "We do our homework. "It is important that the sentence follows on the heels, and in particular, that Intensivtäter in court."
 With Mayor Bert Spilles the Bonn PP now has the body of the agreement between crime prevention council. "This is a strategic approach to tackle the problem at its root," says Kolbe. The parents were asked.
"For the Intensivtäter by the police are no longer accessible. Discussions, together with the parents, have not succeeded. "

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

DEG top - but no one notices it!

Dusseldorf - The Coup at the Waterkant - with a 3-2 victory at Hamburg Angstgegner conquered DEG third place.
The concrete can be the Dusseldorf on Tuesday evening (19.30 clock) at the Last Duisburg. Just the right moment to start by the MetroStars to play in glorious playoff form. Keeper Jamie Storr is currently presented in top condition.
"The goalie is the crucial position. If you have a keeper in good form, you can achieve quite a lot, "said coach Harold circle. The defense is getting safer. The attack appears torhungrig (albeit without erstmal Evan Kaufmann, who was injured in Hamburg at the ankle and at least three weeks is canceled). In this form, the DEG is even considered one of the title favorites in the playoffs, reaching for the ninth championship.
The problem: no one notices it! At the last home game against Straubing nearly 9,000 seats were left empty! The Hope: On Burner-carnival weekend, with the hits against Mannheim (Friday) and Krefeld (Sunday) show the Dusseldorf last flag and making the "hut full". "We offer good sport to have earned more fans," manager believes Lance Nethery. But do not get the numbers, the city is also in demand. The need to reconsider whether the stadium rent is significantly down in order for the cult club DEG can permanently survive.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Kiessling is back to the werewolf?

Leverkusen - Simon Rolfes makes it so its fun, like his teammate Stefan Kiessling is currently cultured milk beard growth.
"Ah, where indeed is growing almost nothing! Since we can wait until Christmas to look like Reinhold Messner. Although - that would be good for us! "
How right of Bayer's captain after all. For it remains true: "As long as I meet, stay tuned to the beard," Kiessling said yesterday. In four games the striker has struck once in each case - the beard bet to run again then. Shaving prohibited. But on Saturday the heavy stake in to the "wolves". Kiessling is there to "Who-wolf"?
What could still be on Saturday for an attractive end where Master Wolfsburg with his offensive aces Grafite, Dzeko, Martins and Misimovic, which is required after two defeat in a row. There the standings, from Leverkusen, the Storm duo Kiessling (four goals) and Eren Derdiyok (3) been so impressed. Derdiyok met during the week and for the Swiss national team 2-2 on the important balance in Latvia.
Kiessling was not invited to the DFB-choice, contrary to expectations - but on Saturday evening to the ZDF sports studio. "I do not know how I get there at night because of Wolfsburg. Did well as a helicopter - I heard, "says Kiessling. Best with another goal in his luggage - it could also sprout a beard more ...

Friday, March 12, 2010

Passengers mutiny against Besoffski pilots

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Moscow - Besoffski alarm in Russia: As the pilot of an Aeroflot-machine was completely drunk, the passengers mutinied, demanding a replacement of the entire team. And got their wish!
"His announcement was so vague that they could not tell me, what language he spoke," said Passenger Khatuna Kobiashvili in the Moscow Times.
After the pilot had himself a zusammengelallt, rehearsed the passenger insurrection. McFly Besoffski initially refused to leave his cockpit - probably because he could not get up.
Finally, he staggered out of the cabin, staring at the surroundings with bloodshot eyes. "At first he looked at us as if we were crazy," said Kobiaschwili. Then he had promised the passengers: "I sit here quietly in the corner. The other three pilots can fly. I touch any button."
But even then the passengers were not satisfied. They called for a complete replacement of the crew on board - and got them too. So the flight could take off with three hours delay, to New York.
More crazy flying news: Ami leaves plane - he did not want to fly with Arabs> Airbus crashed into the Hudson River> fight between drivers Besoffski>

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Handball Daems: It was not intentional!

Gladbach Sinsheim --
An hour after midnight, put on the referee hand - on wheat beer glass. FIFA referee and his assistants Stark picks and Salver washed in Hotel Sinsheim frustration over their failure down.
The first handball captain of Borussia Daems ( "no intention") overlooked them. The interceptions of his colleagues Hoffenheimer penalize them with penalties.
Nilsson: "That was not handling the ball in the penalty area, but outside I saw red, which would have been worse." Colautti opponent: "I think he intentionally touched the ball with his hand. "Daems accepted the gift. Colauttis 0:2 - and controversial. TSG coach Rangnick: "For me, it was clearly offside."
Shortly after Ibisevics 1:2 Dante took his hand to help - the whistle never came. "If the ball lands in this situation with me, then it is logical that I would keep him away from the gate," said Borussia intelligence chief. The referee had whistled the penalty and can, but it was not as clear as with other Hand games. "
For example, as Daems Ibisevics flank warded. "I will shot from five feet is not looking, the ball - what should I do here," asks Gladbach captain. "The decision was a concession because it was already in front of two controversial scenes, so the referee will whistle. "
Eduardo was like with the late penalty to 2:2. Daems served: "These games are available. Who leads 2-0, is obviously disappointed, if it extends only to a point. "

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The good spirit in Veedel

An important part of the frieze area is the church of St. Gereon. Since the middle of the 4th Century, it is the contact point for people in Veedel.
Pastor Andrew Brocke (39) is since 2003 active in the community. At approximately 6500 members of the large parish includes St. Michael and St. Alban in the Belgian Quarter in the park.
Currently Pastor Brocke is the political commitment to the development of the Frisian district at heart: "The alterations in the Gerling-area trigger a lot of fear among the people," he says.
"Therefore, we offer discussion space and take a position on the plans. Us is most important that our church is not built over, "said Brocke. "Finally, the church is used by people living in Veedel." This includes the Pänz.
Under the motto "Children and youth community of St. Gereon" organize the employees special programs for kids: choir, summer camps, children's disco, etc. pastor Brocke also points to the experience-Church tours: Our tours always have a special topic. "
On a trip he remembers particularly fond: "Once Mr. Päffgen and I have a guide on the topic" Church and Kölsch "made - through St. Gereon, and by the Päffgen-brewery."