Thursday, March 11, 2010

Handball Daems: It was not intentional!

Gladbach Sinsheim --
An hour after midnight, put on the referee hand - on wheat beer glass. FIFA referee and his assistants Stark picks and Salver washed in Hotel Sinsheim frustration over their failure down.
The first handball captain of Borussia Daems ( "no intention") overlooked them. The interceptions of his colleagues Hoffenheimer penalize them with penalties.
Nilsson: "That was not handling the ball in the penalty area, but outside I saw red, which would have been worse." Colautti opponent: "I think he intentionally touched the ball with his hand. "Daems accepted the gift. Colauttis 0:2 - and controversial. TSG coach Rangnick: "For me, it was clearly offside."
Shortly after Ibisevics 1:2 Dante took his hand to help - the whistle never came. "If the ball lands in this situation with me, then it is logical that I would keep him away from the gate," said Borussia intelligence chief. The referee had whistled the penalty and can, but it was not as clear as with other Hand games. "
For example, as Daems Ibisevics flank warded. "I will shot from five feet is not looking, the ball - what should I do here," asks Gladbach captain. "The decision was a concession because it was already in front of two controversial scenes, so the referee will whistle. "
Eduardo was like with the late penalty to 2:2. Daems served: "These games are available. Who leads 2-0, is obviously disappointed, if it extends only to a point. "