Friday, March 12, 2010

Passengers mutiny against Besoffski pilots

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Moscow - Besoffski alarm in Russia: As the pilot of an Aeroflot-machine was completely drunk, the passengers mutinied, demanding a replacement of the entire team. And got their wish!
"His announcement was so vague that they could not tell me, what language he spoke," said Passenger Khatuna Kobiashvili in the Moscow Times.
After the pilot had himself a zusammengelallt, rehearsed the passenger insurrection. McFly Besoffski initially refused to leave his cockpit - probably because he could not get up.
Finally, he staggered out of the cabin, staring at the surroundings with bloodshot eyes. "At first he looked at us as if we were crazy," said Kobiaschwili. Then he had promised the passengers: "I sit here quietly in the corner. The other three pilots can fly. I touch any button."
But even then the passengers were not satisfied. They called for a complete replacement of the crew on board - and got them too. So the flight could take off with three hours delay, to New York.
More crazy flying news: Ami leaves plane - he did not want to fly with Arabs> Airbus crashed into the Hudson River> fight between drivers Besoffski>