Thursday, April 29, 2010

Junior Jelani fired at Papa Patrick

Bonn - When the baskets fans on Wednesday evening to 71:61-Euro Challenge win against Toulon Hyères celebrating, one of them heard nothing. Jelani Patrick, five months old Sohnemann Patrick Flomo, was protected by his live basketball premiere of headphones. On Sunday at the Bundesliga duel in Trier, he is his "Daddy" cheering for the second time.
The name of his juniors is at 2.04-meter giant Patrick Flomo program. Jelani The African name means "great and powerful" () big and strong. That is what makes Dad Patrick: his physical strength, his incredible resilience.
So he quickly took some Bonner fans away his nickname: "rubber ball". As a winger and center of the 28-year-old Liberians now entering its third season for the baskets to hunt for points. His strong Statis tics (the first year of 5.8 points, 4.4 rebounds and 1.5 blocks to the 4th league) per game, he could not reach still current (2.3, 2.2; 0.6). This year, the Bank believes players, especially in the important games in the European Cup.
Inspired by his Jelani: "It's nice when he is in the hall. I'm also playing for him. "
Also on Sunday? Since `s going against the clock by 17 TBB Trier scored Flomos favorite opponent (2006), he Trier with 16 points against his league record. Coach Koch: "They've been beaten at home Artland and Oldenburg, which is a very difficult task." Especially in the Arena Trier "hot derby atmosphere will prevail. For the small Jelani Patrick means: The big headphones are again required.
Also read: Baskets: Labor victory against promoted> basketball coach Koch: "In telecom, we are a power dome">

Friday, April 23, 2010

"We must fight for our lives!"

Mönchengladbach - Bright sunshine on holiday at Borussia final practice, many lapwings in the Borussia Park.
And rubbed their eyes in astonishment, as coach Hans Meyer at the mandatory 11 versus 11, the bodice distributed.
Since the expected back four went on (Stalteri, Brouwers, Dante, Daems), but fist big surprises in midfield: Does the coach actually play so should levels Callsen-Bracker and Paauwe as a three-chain in front of "Libero" Galasek the Bavaria-destroy attacks early . Previously, Bradley is acting, the only tip would Matmour.
The slightly battered Marin (thigh contusion) also rose only in the B-Elf as Neuville. An alternative would be the midfield and "Jojo" van den Bergh. "We want to be compact," said Captain Daems. But no matter accrues, as the colt, Bradley knows what has struck the hour: "We have five games in which we must fight for our lives."
Baumjohann (yellow card suspension), Alberman (bone skin irritation), Friend (rehabilitation after heel surgery), Gohouri (Außenbandriss) and Jaurès (meniscus) from falling.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Keeper Friend Kruse from knocks

Mönchengladbach - Prost, Borussia! The leaders met on Sunday evening with their wives on the successful first round. Clear that the beer has been worked up a dramatic 1-1 draw against stormy Paderborn again.
A whistle blows offside results. Coulibalys-Tor Hammer-kick. Friends elbow attack on the temporarily unconscious score keeper Kruse. Yellow-Red as a punishment. Cashed in balancing Djurisic outnumbered. Noll Elfer-swallow. If evil red foul. What a wild Christmas Kick!
But always in order. Aufreger one: The leadership disallowed because Neuville fall into the offside trap. Brouwer: "Olli wanted to shoot, I have" called Leo, so he gave it to me to leave. Too bad! "Aufreger two: Coulibalys Cracker to make it 1-0. "A super-kick, converted by me perfectly. I've always said that my first goal of the season will be a spectacular hit, "exults the substitute for Marin hammer contactors.
Aufreger three, the most controversial scene: Friend knocks Kruse at five-meter of space. "He caught me with his elbow on the chin and nose area. I only thought that something is broken in the jaw, because it hurt like hell. Everything went black before my eyes, "depicts the clash Paderborn goalkeeper. While Kruse dazed on the ground, showing referee Dr. Fleischer Friend Yellow-Red.
"This was not a foul by Rob. He has not rausgemacht elbows, high rises, in England it is quite normal, "defended his Sturmpartenr Neuville. "Was a good performance by the goalkeeper, who has in the situation 100 percent geschauspielert." Kruse: "It went fairly quickly that I was back. As I stood, I konnnte to play on immediately. "Friend had to get out.
Neuville: "That was spielentscheidend, bitter for us." Aufreger four: Rosler makes Djurisic to 1:1 einköpfen.Aufreger five: Noll Voigt tries against a penalty for Paderborn out to flay. Neuville, "The Friend, as has previously also been yellow, and even the referee says it was a swallow. Why are there not the yellow-red again? "Aufreger six: the case Senst to van den Bergh in the midline. Guest-applied coach Holger Fach: "A Platzververweis because of stupidity."
Referee legend Walter Eschweiler in the stands: "The red card was in order. If the player so clean tackles and the ball is not caught, he must expect to be made from the pitch. Yellow-red against Friend is discretionary, it can give you, you have not. "
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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Missglückter somersault on a trampoline - a broken neck!

Cologne - Spectacular verdict from Cologne: The High Court has awarded a man who broke into a video arcade with a somersault neck, high damages and compensation claims.
It's about a father (now 42), who crashed in an indoor arcade on a trampoline. And his neck broke. That was on 2 October 2004.
With the entire family and a birthday party at that time he visited the arcade. And boarded a trampoline-jumping facility. The jump has scarves, the suspension is covered with foam mats.
After a few warm-up jumps in front of his daughter, the man risked a somersault. But the jump was unsuccessful. Instead, he landed on his feet on his back. And broke his neck. He is now a paraplegic.
The Higher Regional Court Cologne engaged in a ruling published yesterday, the operator, bear all the losses incurred by the husband, equal to 70 percent. The contributory negligence of the husband was rated as 30 percent.
For trampoline is not safe. The total amount of the claims now total more than € 1 million, so the man can expect to € 700,000 for injuries and damages. In Germany, a uniquely large sum.
The court largely followed the reasoning of the man. He had argued that the risks that threatened to somersault jumps, had been trivialized in the warnings on the trampoline. (Ref. 20 U 175/06).

Monday, April 5, 2010

In space, there's Sushi

Baikonur --
Finally no longer alone!
The two last of the Mohicans on the International Space Station (ISS), the Russian Maxim Surajew and American Jeffrey Williams, have received after three weeks in space gain. Three new astronauts, including Soichi Noguchi of Japan, have arrived in the night to Wednesday.
And Noguchi immediately brought proper food for Christmas: Sushi. This will be fed New Year. "Even at Christmas there will be a culinary surprise," promises the new Russian Oleg Kotov.
For large gifts, the close Soyuz capsule certainly had no place. But for a few small parcels from loved ones at home, and a plastic Christmas tree it was still sufficient.
For some time it was clear that the gift table to be filled and festive time not be so lush. Because of the two-man Notbesatzung the Russians had removed the December freighter that brings gifts, fruit and vegetables to the ISS. The head of the "star town" (Star City) near Moscow, Sergei Krikalev, who had recruited the men to the fact that there are no mandarins.