Thursday, April 29, 2010

Junior Jelani fired at Papa Patrick

Bonn - When the baskets fans on Wednesday evening to 71:61-Euro Challenge win against Toulon Hyères celebrating, one of them heard nothing. Jelani Patrick, five months old Sohnemann Patrick Flomo, was protected by his live basketball premiere of headphones. On Sunday at the Bundesliga duel in Trier, he is his "Daddy" cheering for the second time.
The name of his juniors is at 2.04-meter giant Patrick Flomo program. Jelani The African name means "great and powerful" () big and strong. That is what makes Dad Patrick: his physical strength, his incredible resilience.
So he quickly took some Bonner fans away his nickname: "rubber ball". As a winger and center of the 28-year-old Liberians now entering its third season for the baskets to hunt for points. His strong Statis tics (the first year of 5.8 points, 4.4 rebounds and 1.5 blocks to the 4th league) per game, he could not reach still current (2.3, 2.2; 0.6). This year, the Bank believes players, especially in the important games in the European Cup.
Inspired by his Jelani: "It's nice when he is in the hall. I'm also playing for him. "
Also on Sunday? Since `s going against the clock by 17 TBB Trier scored Flomos favorite opponent (2006), he Trier with 16 points against his league record. Coach Koch: "They've been beaten at home Artland and Oldenburg, which is a very difficult task." Especially in the Arena Trier "hot derby atmosphere will prevail. For the small Jelani Patrick means: The big headphones are again required.
Also read: Baskets: Labor victory against promoted> basketball coach Koch: "In telecom, we are a power dome">