Sunday, April 11, 2010

Missglückter somersault on a trampoline - a broken neck!

Cologne - Spectacular verdict from Cologne: The High Court has awarded a man who broke into a video arcade with a somersault neck, high damages and compensation claims.
It's about a father (now 42), who crashed in an indoor arcade on a trampoline. And his neck broke. That was on 2 October 2004.
With the entire family and a birthday party at that time he visited the arcade. And boarded a trampoline-jumping facility. The jump has scarves, the suspension is covered with foam mats.
After a few warm-up jumps in front of his daughter, the man risked a somersault. But the jump was unsuccessful. Instead, he landed on his feet on his back. And broke his neck. He is now a paraplegic.
The Higher Regional Court Cologne engaged in a ruling published yesterday, the operator, bear all the losses incurred by the husband, equal to 70 percent. The contributory negligence of the husband was rated as 30 percent.
For trampoline is not safe. The total amount of the claims now total more than € 1 million, so the man can expect to € 700,000 for injuries and damages. In Germany, a uniquely large sum.
The court largely followed the reasoning of the man. He had argued that the risks that threatened to somersault jumps, had been trivialized in the warnings on the trampoline. (Ref. 20 U 175/06).